Impact Of Modern Technology On Wellbeing And Education
One of the positive impacts of modern technology can be seen in the human services industry. There have been many advances in medical instruments and equipment which help a doctor to determine the sickness and condition easily. This in turn has made it possible to provide the best possible treatment in a timely manner and expanded the scope of effective treatment which in turn has enhanced the lifespan of the average human being.

Nowadays ailments like measles, diphtheria and small pox have been totally eradicated which used to earlier cause huge plagues and take a heavy toll of human life. Then again it has become easier to control ailments like diabetes and hypertension which earlier used to be incapacitating and life-undermining.

However, like most things, there are both positive and negative aspects to the advancement of modern technology and there are many downsides to it as well.

For instance, the most negative impact of modern technology can be seen in the depletion of natural resources.

This has become possible with the advancement in the pharmaceutical sector. Innovative solutions to many health problems have in turn enhanced life expectancy and quality of life for people around the world.
Another area where PCs and the internet have turned out to be critical is education. PCs can store a lot of data in a small space and the dependence on books has but been eradicated.
The internet, on the other hand, is also a great asset for learning, connecting educational institutions together and permitting people to scan any subject possible.
The Pros And Cons Of Modern Technology
Due to this advancement in modern science, the life expectancy of the human being has been enhanced.
For instance, the most negative impact of modern technology can be seen in the depletion of natural resources.
Pollution of the environment is another great problem associated with advancement in technology.
This, in turn, has made it possible for students to learn at home with the help of instructive diversions, sounds and visual lessons. These also provide an abundance of learning for an understudy. In the classroom as well virtual whiteboards have replaced old boards, which permit the instructors to provide intuitive substance to the understudy.

The advent of modern technology has brought a great degree of comfort to the lives of human beings. So many major industries have come up providing employment to various people. Agricultural and industrial production has enhanced due to modern technology and it is sufficing the needs of humans all over the world.
The Best Contribution That Modern Technology
The best contribution that modern technology has made is to the healthcare sector where many ailments like small pox have been eradicated and there are treatments available for earlier incurable diseases like tuberculosis, diabetes and even cancer. Due to this advancement in modern science, the life expectancy of the human being has been enhanced.However, scientists are trying to find solutions to these problems and very soon they will. Read more at